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Who We Are


We are the McLean High Students, Parents and Community Expect Sensible School Size (McSPaCES).


McSPaCES is parents alarmed by McLean High overcrowding and the lack of urgency to find a solution.


With the creation of McSPaCES students, school officials and the community will see far more action on this issue.  We are recruiting members from all schools in McLean and from community leaders and businesses.

We are making sure everyone knows about the serious overcrowding issue and that official action does not involve more talk and trailers.  McSPaCES members will call, write, meet and vote to get overcrowding under control at McLean.

Why We Are Organizing


McLean High school is absolutely worth fighting for, but the overcrowding battle will take time.  McLean students and staff do more with less every day and produce strong academics, well-rounded young men and women, powerful programs and college-ready graduates. 


We are not asking for more, but a similar amount of permanent, protected, quality learning space as other high schools in the FCPS system. See Table

Where We Are
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